Making is one of the main ways I interact with the world and express myself, & I teach a course on making and makerspaces in information organziations.

The Course

This master’s degree course focuses on 3 main areas:

  • User-centered makerspace services, especially in libraries, that go BEYOND learning and skill-building to meet other user needs, such as joy, love, regeneration, play, self-expression, and community building

  • Instructional communication, including creating tutorials and assisting with peer-based and informal learning practices

  • Learning to be a maker (or continuing one’s maker journey) with many kinds of STEAM-based making, with an eye toward supporting other makers in these creative places.

Most of the projects in the course are created and taught by the students, but below are a sampling of things I teach to help them get started.

Some projects from the course.

  • LED flowers.

    A simple circuit to introduce people to eTextiles or “soft circuits.”

  • Soldered badge.

    We start by soldering a simple badge.

  • Knitted bag.

    Needle craft is one of the most requested activities in library creative places, despite an institutional focus on digital production.