Curriculum Vitae
Shannon Crawford Barniskis is an Assistant Professor at the School of Information Science, at the University of Kentucky.
My mission is to help libraries be convivial tools--tools that forward power to the people to use them interdependently, to meet the aims they choose for themselves.
How can libraries help?
I am interested in how public libraries impact the communities and people they serve. My research interests include public library art and other non-book programs, makerspaces, leadership, children and teens, power and ethics, social trust, access, and intellectual freedom.
A main thrust of my work centers on what I call IDEAL: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access [for the purposes of] Liberation (and Love).
Some questions I ask:
How can public libraries help communities prosper, join together, and understand the world and each other?
(Why) Do libraries matter?
How can people best learn, make, play, connect or otherwise flourish in ways meaningful to them, when using public libraries?
How can people have agency in sharing governance, using, or benefiting from, public libraries?